Everything You Need to Know About These Pesky Pests 

Bed bugs are tiny parasite insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are found all across the world and have become more prevalent in recent years. Bed bugs do not spread diseases, although their bites can be uncomfortable and annoying. Some people may have allergic responses to bed bug bites. To get rid of them completely, call a Glen Ellyn Pest Control company today. 

What do bed bugs look like? 

Bed bugs are roughly the size of a pencil eraser and have flat, reddish-brown bodies. They are wingless and unable to fly. Bed bugs are nocturnal and usually hide in mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and other furniture around beds.

How do you know if you have bed bugs? 

There are several indications that you may have bed bugs in your house. This includes:

  • Live bed bugs or their shed skin 

Bed bugs are typically evident to the naked eye. You may find them on your mattress, bedding, or furniture.

  • Bloodstains on your sheet or pillows 

Bed bugs create little bloodstains after feeding.

  • Bite marks on your skin 

Bed bug bites are usually uncomfortable and red. They might appear in groups or lines.

  • A musty odor 

Bed bugs emit a peculiar odor, which some describe as pleasant or musty.

How to get rid of bed bugs 

If you suspect you have bed bugs, you should contact a pest control specialist immediately. Bed bugs are tough to get rid of on your own; therefore, expert treatment is typically required.

The pest treatment specialist will most likely utilize a variety of ways to eliminate the bed bugs, such as:

  • Insecticides 

Insecticides can be used to kill bed bugs and eggs.

  • Heat treatment 

Heat treatment is the process of heating the contaminated area to a temperature high enough to kill bed bugs.

  • Encasing 

Encasing mattresses and box springs can help keep bed bugs from hiding and eating.

How to prevent bed bugs 

To help prevent bed bugs from infesting your house, you may do the following:

  • Examine secondhand furniture thoroughly before bringing it into your home.
  • Wash the bedding in hot water (at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit) and dry it on high heat.
  • Vacuum your mattress and box springs on a regular basis.
  • Encase your mattress and box spring with bed bug-resistant coverings.
  • Be cautious when staying at hotels and motels. Before unpacking, inspect the mattress and linens for evidence of bed bugs.
  • Make careful to keep your luggage in a sealed plastic bag when traveling.
  • When you go home from a trip, wash your clothing in hot water and dry on high heat.
  • If you encounter a bed bug in a public setting, such as a hotel or movie theater, report it to the manager right away. 

By following these guidelines, you may help protect your house against bed bugs.

Get professional help 

Remember that while this article will provide you with knowledge, dealing with a bed bug infestation on your own can be difficult and unsuccessful. The complicated life cycle and tenacity of these pests frequently demand the knowledge and specialized instruments of a professional pest control company. Do not be afraid to seek assistance if you detect an infestation. 

Consulting with a qualified specialist provides a planned and efficient eradication approach, reducing inconvenience and protecting your peace of mind. Remember that early action is critical in successfully eliminating these unwanted guests and recovering your bed bug-free home.